
  • Iryna Yakovleva Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University




Boris Grinchenko, Nastya Grinchenko, “Story of Prison Life” (Opovidannia z tiuremnoho žyttia), “Visit To the Father” (Do baťka v hosti), “Irony of Life” (Ironija žyttia), idiostyle


In the article the unpublished and previously unstudied small fiction works written by Boris and Nastya Grinchenko are analyzed: “Story of Prison Life” (Opovidannia z tiuremnoho žyttia) (on the draft inscription by the author's hand "material of an autobiographical character") by Boris Grinchenko, “Visit To the Father” (Do baťka v hosti) and “Irony of Life” (Ironija žyttia) by Nastya Grinchenko. All three short stories are in the funds of the Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. Vernadsky.

This manuscript novels was created more than 100 years ago. The analysis is carried out in a comparative aspect. The comparative approach is used to supplement the traditional interpretation of the works by disclosing other levels of B. Grinchenko’s and A. Grinchenko’s creative manner and biography.

Analyzed works are chosen because of the need to introduce them into scientific circulation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the new aspects of the B. Grinchenko’s creative manner and to show the features of A. Grinchenko's style, their connection and distinctive features. The hypothesis about the partly autobiographical nature and appropriate interconnection of the analyzed works is put forward. The latter is indirectly confirmed by the supposed date of writing – 1905 (1906).

It is established that we can call the A. Grinchenko’s creativity continuation of her father-writer idiostyle. But, of course, it has inherent only in her individual features. They both use first-person writing, numerous epithets and so on.

A. Grinchenko’s short stories’ individual features are the involvement of the phonetic level of language, the brightness of epithets and the creation of an emotional atmosphere, in general, is more characteristic of women's prose than men’s.

B. Grinchenko creates a more "grounded" and clear picture in which the characters of the heroes and their attitude to the world, society and real problems that arise in life are revealed.

It has shown the prospects for further research in the global context of the Ukrainian literary process of the early twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Iryna Yakovleva, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University




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Abstract views: 349



How to Cite

Yakovleva, I. (2017). UNKNOWN WORKS WRITTEN BY BORIS AND NASTYA GRINCHENKO: FATHER’S AND DAUGHTER’S INDIVIDUAL STYLE EVOLUTION THROUGH THE GENERATION. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (4(20), 39–46. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-259X.2017(4)852



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