
  • Victoriya Boyko



discourse, ethnos, nation, culture, national language, fiction


In the article the theories that either completely ignore the national factor in culture, or provide it with total value are analyzed and called into question; also we deny the statement that postmodernism because of focusing on individuality does not accept ethnic or national foundations in creative activities. The author concludes that contemporary scientific interpretation of ethnos equates it with culture, the culture unites ethnic groups and nationality, the difference is that nations, in addition to cultural, get also political dimension, however culture plays also the leading role in national entity. This concerns the art as one of the elements of culture too. Figurative-expressive means of language provide the art of speech with an inseparable link with the national material and spiritual culture. Personal, national and humanistic (common to all mankind) discourses of culture and art are interconnected and correlated. Connection of the artist and his work with the nationality (national culture) is inherent, but it does not mean that it necessarily occurs in direct naming of the signs of ethnic life, reproduction of the corresponding processes etc, so you should be able to read it affectionately, without destroying the structure of the writing.


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How to Cite

Boyko, V. (2015). ETHNO-NATIONAL BEGINNING OF CULTURE AND LITERATURE. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(10).



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies