
  • Oleksii Sinchenko Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української літератури, компаративістики та соціальних комунікацій



formalism, image, internal form of word, poetry, language, Alexander Potebnja, reception, thinking


The present article deals with the Borys Nawrocki’s book called “Language and poetry” (1925) as a try of building the holistic literary theory based on the Alexander Potebnja’s linguistic approach. The polemical contexts of Borys Nawrocki’s ideas are: Benedetto Croce’s intuitionism, Karl Vossler’s relativism, Neo-Kantianism, Andrei Bely’s symbolism, Russian formalism, Philip Fortunatov’s,  Baudouin de Courtenay’s and Marty’s linguistic theory, experimental psychology etc. In this variety of theories the scientist in series defends principles which are oriented on the Alexander Potebnja’s theory, namely: each text element is important in the artwork only through the relation with the internal form; all the literary work elements can form the figurative representations – the internal form, grammatical form, “game of signs” of the “prosaic meaning” etc.; images are just the transition to the “sense” of work, the literal reception is unacceptable for understanding the work in general.

One of the most important aspects of Nawrocki’s literary theory became the understanding the word as a relationship between human being and space. In the flowing of the materialistic science of the twenties this refrain has remained almost unnoticed just as his attempt to expand the borders of Potebnja’s theory – in particular to the rhythm analysis, phonics and composition of literary work and poetry.


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How to Cite

Sinchenko, O. (2015). BORYS NAWROCKI’S NEO-POTEBNJAISM. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(10).



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies