
  • Tetyana Marchak



publicism, nation, ukrainization, literary and artistic group “Hart”, Ukrainian culture


The article examines the main thematic lines in publicistic writings by Ellan-Blakytnyj. The views of the author on the socio-economic, cultural, educational, national development of Ukraine have been described here. The analyzed publicistic works by Vasyl Blakytnyj prove their urgency, problematic views, the writer’s instant response to the pressing problems of the time. The author of this article primarily emphasizes on how successfully the embedded by Blakytnyj traditions of mature and effective political thinking, ideological and thematic content of non-fiction texts are developing. The attention is drawn to the originality of the thematic of publicistic works by Ellan-Blakytnyj, which leads the reader to one’s own thinking and understanding of the acute problems of society, culture, art, politics, journalism in the 1920-s. The article highlights the social and national aspects in transition period of Ukrainian society. The formation and development of literary and artistic group “Hart” is also observed, the attention is focused on cultural and creative aspects of this association, whose members by their citizenship position urged the revival and spiritual development of national principles of Ukrainian statehood.


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Abstract views: 522



How to Cite

Marchak, T. (2016). THEMATIC PALETTE OF PUBLICISM BY ELLAN-BLAKYTNYI. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (1(13), 96–102.



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