
  • Svitlana Ozharivska Вінницький фінансово-економічний університет, наукова бібліотека



metaphor, allegory, methonymy, symphor, idiostyle


The aim of the article is to show the allegory as one of the techniques of modeling art reality in the work of Vira Vovk. The paper investigates the structural and functional features of allegorical images, focuses on the relationship between metaphorical and allegorical methods of artistic generalization in the works of the poet.

The authors apply the methods of structural, semantic and stylistic analysis of the text based on the principles of cognitive theory of metaphor. The results show that Vira Vovk`s creative evolution regarded as a movement to create a complete unity based on such philosophical and aesthetic principles as religion, national tradition of folk and mythological motifs shaped on synthetics creative thinking. The mature work of the poet are considered in such poetry collections as “Kappa Cross”, “Obarinky” “Oratorio of praise” and ”Land sparkling”, presents the poetic imagination intention to create spacious generalized cross motifs, metaphors and detailed symfor uniting objectives arrays of collections and are detailed in consecutive rows of symbols, allegories, parabolas, which are the backbone to individual collections cycles, concrete poems. A special role in Vira Vovk`s lyrics plays metonymy which considered the material of poetry collections “Women's mask”, “Obarinky” and “Oratorio of praise”.

So, the article illustrated that poets rarely uses a straight allegory, as in the book “Obarinky”, which contains a large collection of classic and non-canonical myths and allegories. Much more productive is to use in the work different elements of metonymy that under the metaphorical artistic strategies are synthetic images which features inherent textual metaphors symfory, metonymy and character. These images constitute the conceptual basis for artistic model of the world, sending in final assembly “Oratorio of praise”. They form the basis poetic universe, spiritual lyrical characteristics and determine its main field of activity, the world of ideas, experiences and feelings.


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Author Biography

Svitlana Ozharivska, Вінницький фінансово-економічний університет, наукова бібліотека




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Abstract views: 444



How to Cite

Ozharivska, S. (2016). ALLEGORICAL IMAGERY OF VIRA VOVK`S POETRY. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(14), 30–38.



Literary history as a structure