
  • Lesya Sydorenko




media discourse, metadrama, innovation of forms, typological features, self reflection of literature


The timeliness of chosen topic is determined by high artistic level, experimental intentions, innovative approach of dramaturgy of 80-90s of XX century; insufficient research of literature for stage, necessity to define its place in literature process, and also demand to solve a number of general theoretical problems, in particular to define peculiarities and forms of auto reflection of literature, demonstration of linkage between this phenomenon and transitional artistic thinking. The aim of the research is to define typological features of metadrama and characteristics of specific peculiarities of auto reflection of literature in writing by Yaroslav Stelmakh. In the play “Blue Car” the traditional principle of metaliterature is demonstrated, namely, text in text. Its functions in the drama are doubled: on the one hand, this know-how is directed towards parody of anything that Yaroslav Stelmakh thinks is negative for the development of modern literature, hostile towards his own concept or too old. The circle of criticized phenomena is rather impressive: melodrama, fantastic, productive novel, mystic and etc. This demonstration of field of literature examples which are discredited gives evidence about total intention of “new wave” towards re-thinking of cultural heritage, actualizes sharp reaction towards challenges of the time. On the other hand, verbal execution of own inner world into writing about existential experience remains for the hero the only way of self-examination and establishment of relations between personality and world, thus the peace-making function of literature is approved. Yaroslav Stelmakh not only tries traditional models of artistic self identification and provokingly suggests new models, but also creates own concept of art and contemporary artist who seeks own existential basement in transitional period.


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Abstract views: 483



How to Cite

Sydorenko, L. (2016). “BLUE CAR” BY YAROSLAV STELMAKH: MEDIA DISCOURSE AND INNOVATION OF FORMS. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(14), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-259X.2016(2)10.49



Literary history as a structure