
  • Vira Prosalova Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)



folk tales, literary tales, creative personality of the author, mythical hero, time-space, narrator


The article deals with Emma Andiyevska’s collection “Tales” (2000) and reveals the features of the writer’s literary tales. Due to the comparison with folk tales it becomes obvious  that the author updates many famous characters, which are typical of fabulous tradition: a lion, a rabbit, an eagle, a bull. Creative adaptation of the Indian fables collection, tales and teachings “Panchatantra or five baskets of worldly wisdom” gives the opportunity to enrich the system of the Ukrainian literary tale characters, apply the form of dialogue storytellers in the collection of literary tales: the jackal and the usual tin can that are usually found in the Indian tradition. These characters tell each other fairy tales during one night to convince the interlocutor in the validity of their position. The dialogic position of the writer is shown in the implementation of different world views, in the sense that the reader should not impose a ready answer to the question, he / she has to find it. The writer tries to involve him / her into reflection, search of his / her own conclusion.

It is determined that many fairy tales characters by Emma Andiyevska have no counterparts in the national tales and are created within the author’s imagination, such as: Halaylo, Yayan and others. The writer realizes the dialogical model of fantastic narrative in the book “Tales”, skillfully combines instructive and entertaining elements, deliberately focuses on the genre peculiarities in the complex headlines: “The Tale of Lightning”, “The Tale of Vanity”, “The Tale of the Traveler”.

Tale parables by Emma Andiyevska do not contain obsessive teachings. First of all the writer takes care of their intensive plot, convincingly recreates narrative tone, the ambiguous attitude of the listener to what is discussed. The characters of folk tales acquire other features than in folk tradition.


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Author Biography

Vira Prosalova, Донецький національний університет (м. Вінниця)

доктор філологічних наук, професор



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Abstract views: 1568



How to Cite

Prosalova, V. (2016). ARTISTIC FEATURES OF FAIRY-TALES BY EMMA ANDIYEVSKA. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (3(15), 57–64.



Literary history as a structure