
  • Anastacia Babenko




city, urban space, postcolonial, identity, image system, axiological dominants, illogicality, the avant-garde


The article describes the features of the author's interpretation of the figurative and axiological system; demarcation of collective and individual memory; typical rejection of the adult world; research of this segment of the national literary space is extremely important, given the rather one-sided and non-systemic approach to the analysis of the novel by Sergiy Zhadan, ”Depeche Mode”; analyzed the formation and development of the individual in post-Chernobyl, postcolonial conditions. Modern Ukrainian literature is a combination of tradition and innovation. It is not a purely postmodern, postcolonial. Postmodern Ukrainian Literature - is not the negation of the phenomenon of “novelty” alienation, the desire to play and change masks, ironic laughter, grotesque excess and abuse. Ukrainian postcolonial literature - a rethinking of Soviet and imperial “stamps” that exist in independent Ukraine. In modern Ukrainian literature is itself significant urban space, which is associated with the representation of values, traditions, ways of thinking and expression. Understanding of art space in the post-colonial Ukrainian literature gives possibility to decode axiological changes / movements of each character of the work, define priorities, and highlight psychological dominants.


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Author Biography

Anastacia Babenko

Аспірантка КНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка


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Abstract views: 462



How to Cite

Babenko, A. (2017). URBAN AND AXIOLOGICAL DOMINANTS IN THE NOVEL BY SERGIY ZHADAN “DEPECHE MODE”. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (1(17), 20–26. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-259X.2017(1)106



Literary history as a structure