
  • Oksana Pukhonska Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української літератури і компаративістики



cultural amnesia, memory, forgetting, literature, society, totalitarianism


In suggested article the main subject of the research is the cultural amnesia. It is one of the constructive elements of the post-totalitarian memory. We have to know, that during the 20th century different kinds of totalitarian politic used amnesia, especially forgetting the cultural codes of the past life, as one of the most effective methods in their ideological practices of creation of a new society. We are talking about the cruelest and in the same time the most effective methods, such as burning libraries, archives and killing the intellectual elites of occupied nations. It was important for creating so-called soviet society which had to be devoid of national tradition, culture and even language. Ukrainian culture had felt that totalitarian practice the most of all. Especially it was felt in the national literature. Creators of a new modernistic tradition were arrested ad killed by the regime during 1920–1930years. The other ones were forced to leave Ukraine and to find some possibilities abroad. Those, who stayed and had accepted the social realistic program of development of the literature, just became only the translators of the soviet ideology.

That’s why in the early of 1990th the problem of cultural amnesia was very sharp in the national literature. Young writers needed some bases for creating contemporary artistic reality. Rethinking of history was doing in two ways. First of all the oldest authors stood for rebuilding the cult of heroism. From their point of view it was the only possibility to find out lost identity and national tradition. Besides of it, they mostly appealed to the history which wasn’t changed or obliterated. But the young authors were against of any cults. They wanted to fight for modern European forms of posttotalitarian literature. For this it was necessary to find the solution of the problem of lost memory. That’s why cultural amnesia became the main obstacle in Ukrainian culture and literature of that time. It became especially visible after the fall of Soviet Union. Literature tries to find the solution of this problem for nowadays.


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Author Biography

Oksana Pukhonska, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української літератури і компаративістики

кандидат філологічних наук


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Abstract views: 467



How to Cite

Pukhonska, O. (2017). CULTURAL AMNESIA: FROM SOCIAL TO LITERARY DISCOURSE OF INDEPENDENCE. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (1(17), 10–19.



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies