
  • Natalia Poltavtseva Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української літератури і компаративістики



«invisible colleges», «imagined communities», naukoznanie, post-structuralism, socio-cultural space, «clusters», the metaphors of deconstruction, traces


The paper attempts to examine two ways of the modern science and philosophy using the term «community», which was actualized in the 60-70th years of the twentieth century. According to the author, there is the original area of social and cultural space where the different human singularities congregate to each other, with a set of specific characteristics. Depending on the position of analyzing and codes for symbolizing this concept becomes a source of the interesting speculation of new opportunities - both as on the studies of micro and macro processes, so as on the ways of the deconstruction of the metaphors and searching for «traces».

At the same time it appears that in order to reduce the cultural uncertainty, using different methodological positions, in the science and philosophy there was described the same not- well -studied marginal area of social and cultural space. In turn, it is determined the difference between description languages. «Electric field»- metaphor offered by the author is an attempt to see and analyse the problems by the introduction of complementary concepts. The «translation» of the research problems from one symbolic code (classical) to another (postclassical) has the same reason. So we have the so- called act of «double re-interpretation».


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Author Biography

Natalia Poltavtseva, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української літератури і компаративістики

кандидат філологічних наук


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Abstract views: 365



How to Cite

Poltavtseva, N. (2017). COMMUNITY AS THE SOCIOCULTURAL-SPACE-LOCUS: TWO WAYS OF THE DESCRIPTION. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (1(17), 1–9.



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