
  • Olha Bulbachynska Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка



Yevhen Hutsalo, memoirs, creativity, worldview, aesthetic views


The purpose of the article is to study the artistic thinking and aesthetic views of Y. Hutsalo, which have affected the development of Ukrainian literature, expanding its borders, introducing a new spirit in the national word during the dramatic events of the history of the Ukrainian people. The potential of the historical-literary method has been used to achieve the goal. On the wide base of memoirs and recollections the defining factors of Hutsalo’s aesthetic views’ formation are found out. It is proved, that these are impact of World War II and upbringing of family and relatives; writer’s cultural background was shaped by Ukrainian folklore, the Bible and the artistic heritage of Ukrainian classics (M. Kotsiubinsky, M. Rylsky, M. Stelmakh). The results of this research may be used for further analysis of the reflections of Hutsalo’s aesthetic views in the different periods of his work.


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Abstract views: 362



How to Cite

Bulbachynska, O. (2017). YEVHEN HUTSALO’S CREATIVITY: AESTHETIC PRINCIPLES. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (3(19), 14–18.



Literary history as a structure