Chronotope-multiverse of the Soviet Ukrainian whimsical novel as a genre-creating factor




chronotope, whimsical novel, genre, unreal chronotope, dichotomy


As the title implies the article describes a genre-creating function of the chronotope-universe in the example of the Soviet Ukrainian whimsical novel.

The chronotope-universe is considered to be a kind of model of the multi-world, the creation and cognition of "realities" (peripheral chronotopes) which is carried out with the help of an artistic and empirical instrument of metaphysics – the fantastic one.

The Soviet Ukrainian whimsical novel is characterized by the interaction of metaphysical, topographical and psychological peripheral chronotopes. It is noted that the semantic reconstruction of peripheral chronotopes of the depicted world as "real" or "surreal" depends on the positioning of the reception point in the "real" and "fictitious", "natural" and "supernatural" coordinates, and on the contexts of other discourses (folklore, primitive painting etc.).

What is important for the actualization of the genre-creating function of the chronotope-universe is the author's concept of personality, which is conditioned by the existential motives of transgression and transcendence in the process of comprehension of the experience of war and post-war life, and the intertextuality as the main strategy of artistic typification.

This perspective of a study allows us to conclude that the chronological universe is essential for the genre definition of a whimsical novel, which demonstrates the unreality and miracle as possible and real, but also the chronotopes of the main characters that represent the processes of transcendence in acts of transgression.

Thus, the chronotope of a novel can be defined as a multi-component structure, with the receptive qualification of its components, as well as the principles and results of interaction in a holistic unity realized from different points of view in the complex communicative system author-narrator-the depicted world.


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Abstract views: 375



How to Cite

Zhuravska, O. (2018). Chronotope-multiverse of the Soviet Ukrainian whimsical novel as a genre-creating factor. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(22), 27–33.



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies