Reflection of Jewish chronotops: the novel by A. Appelfeld Mighty Waters versus the work The Man and the Nature by A.D. Gordon


  • Zoya Kopelman Єврейський університет у Єрусалимі



A. D. Gordon, A. Appelfeld, Zionism, mysticism and "physical person", Judaism, Israeli literature, Jewish lifestyle


The paper "Reflection of Jewish Chronotops: the Novel by A. Appelfeld "Mighty Waters" versus the work "The Man and the Nature" by A.D. Gordon" compares between the novel and the philosophic work. In "The Man and the Nature", the popular ideological leader of Zionist movement Aharon David Gordon (1863–1922) developed his mystical concept of "natural man" and tried to inspire the Zionist pioneers in the Land of Israel to devote their lives and work to farming as a way to connect with nature and to communicate with God through intuition and silence. The novel "Mighty Waters" was published in 2011 by the well-known Israeli writer Aharon Appelfeld (1932–2018) three decades after Israeli literature switched to postzionism. This article argues that the main character of the novel, a Jewish farmer who lives near the Carpathian Mountains, is a personification of Gordon's ideal and views Appelfeld's novel as a parable that proclaims the traditional Jewish modus vivendi and the importance of Zionism in the 21th century.

Both texts are common in ideas and word definitions. Gordon tells about the Juwish loner while the novel shows to readers that such untypical for Juwish mentality existence beyond society is doomed. The researcher proves, that the author of the "Mighty Water' wants the Juwes to be turned back to modus vivendi that have been developed during the Juwish exile. The Juwes for hundred years have been the nation of intellectuals and merchants and still remain them, that have shaped their life style of citizens. So the idea to recalibrate it in separated from the Book and book culture peasant leaving is stillborn.

The paper is supplied by the author’s translation of the first paragraph A. Gordon’s work "The Man and the Nature''. Thus, the national chronotop is an important instrument of literary studies, that is able to connect texts of different types and times in order to build a single holistic ideal.


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Bialik, Kh. N. (1894). V pole. (in Russian)

Bialik, Kh. N. Za ogradoj. URL: (in Russian)

Kratkaja jevrejskaja enciklopedija v 11 t. (1976). Vol. 2. Col. 173. (in Russian)

Appelfeld, A. (2011). Mighty Waters. Israel: Kinneret Zmora-Beitan Dvir Publishing House. (in Hebrew)

Ron-Feder-Amit, G. (2017). A. D. Gordon: A Life Narrative. Israel : Modan Publishing House. (in Hebrew)


Abstract views: 332



How to Cite

Kopelman, Z. (2018). Reflection of Jewish chronotops: the novel by A. Appelfeld Mighty Waters versus the work The Man and the Nature by A.D. Gordon. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(22), 1–15.



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies