The productivity of secondary verbs in artistic prose of the twentieth century. (based on the works of Y. Yanovsky, M. Stelmakh, O. Honchar)


  • Valentyna Zaiets Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української мови



affix, derivation potential, verb, dynamics, paradigm


The productivity of word-building verbs is observed. About 1200 units of verbal lexemes are involved by the method of a fragmentary sample from the works of M. Stelmakh, Y. Yanovsky (novel in the short stories “Riders”), and the novel “The Cathedral” by O. Gonchar. The fiction of these writers demonstrates the emergence of the Ukrainian-language word-formation tradition at various stages of historical development, as well as the classic examples of idiostyle, which still remain the objects of linguistic analysis. The purpose of the paper is to explore the word-building models of verbs in the 20th-century fiction. The task of the article — to compare the models of the different types of verbs in the novels, which have been mentioned. There are strong reasons to say that the constancy of the word-formation models of the verb corps is the main source of enreaching all functional styles's vocabulary in the modern Ukrainian language. It is anticipated that this trend will affect the development of Ukrainian language in the future. Therefore, the relevance of the study is not only in the scientific analysis of representations of certain periods of the functioning of language, but also in determining the laws of its further development. The productivity of verb-formation types of the verbs on the fiction prose has been examined. The role of secondary verbs with multistructural formants for the explication of actions, states, processes, and their dynamics in the fiction text has been determined. The role and the meaning of formants in verbal models creating have been shown. The attention has been focused on the verbal affixes in fiction. The role of word-formation formants for transferring of productivity of action, process, and state has been recorded.


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Author Biography

Valentyna Zaiets, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, кафедра української мови

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри української мови



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Abstract views: 484



How to Cite

Zaiets, V. (2018). The productivity of secondary verbs in artistic prose of the twentieth century. (based on the works of Y. Yanovsky, M. Stelmakh, O. Honchar). Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (3(23), 55–65.



Linguistic analysis of artistic text