Rhythm of revolutionary movement in revolutionary works (M. Azuela “The Underdogs”, I. Babel “Red Cavalry”, “O. Serafymovych “Iron Flood”)


  • Yuliia Sadovska Одеський націоональний університет імені І.І.Мечникова, кафедра зарубіжної літератури




revolution, spontaneous movement, emotional tension, mass, rhythm


The research is devoted to the investigation of revolutionary movement`s rhythm. It compares literary objects (M. Azuela “The Underdogs”, I. Babel “Red Cavalry”, O. Serafymovych “Iron Flood”), which are united by the conceptual closeness in reproduction of the revolutionary movement. The plot of each of these works is based on the image of one or several episodes of the revolution and the reality that it generates. In all three works factual and essay-artistic material is used; the authors prefer fragmentation that does not presuppose integrity. The mosaic of texts is explained, firstly, by the image of a revolution in a movement that is constantly shrinking; and secondly, by ambiguous perception of events.

The social-psychological mechanisms of creating a spontaneous mass flow in the revolution are explored. The tension that grows in the process of “emotional swirling” and the ongoing “circular reaction” leads to violent actions. Emotional tension forces the mass to move. As a result, there is not just a tendency, but a deep emotional need for joint immediate actions. Sharply reducing the critical view of what is happening leads to an increase in the emotion of the twist and the search for events, the ability to perceive reality rationally is lost. In this situation, a person aspires to join “all” in a general revolutionary impulse.

Such a movement is usually indicated by the rhythm of the march, spontaneous, unbroken mass flow, echoes of shots, screams and bloody clashes. It is proven that revolutionary movement is interpreted as an exalted impulse, and a devastating rebellion.


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Author Biography

Yuliia Sadovska, Одеський націоональний університет імені І.І.Мечникова, кафедра зарубіжної літератури




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Abstract views: 391



How to Cite

Sadovska, Y. (2018). Rhythm of revolutionary movement in revolutionary works (M. Azuela “The Underdogs”, I. Babel “Red Cavalry”, “O. Serafymovych “Iron Flood”). Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (3(23), 46–54. https://doi.org/10.28925/2311-259x.2018.3.5



Literary history as a structure