Modernist aesthetic-philosophical positions of S. Shumytskyi in the context of the sixtiers




Stanislav Shumytskyi, authotextuality, lyric poetry, intertextual analysis, humanism, model of author’s thinking, sixtiers, aesthetic-philosophical positions


The relevance of the study is due to the need to expand the circle of the Sixtiers- poets, demonstrating the manifestation of modernist aesthetics in the works of S. Shumitskyi as an organic part of the discourse of the sixtiers movements. Accordingly, the subject of the study is the intertextual links of the poetic works of this author with other representatives of the generation of the 1960s. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the modernist aesthetic and philosophical search for the poetic heritage of the sixtiers S. Shumitskyi. Achieving the purpose is possible thanks to the methodology of intertextual analysis, which reveals the relationship between the texts, as many-sided discussions, as the process of creating text by sending text to art forms and genres, style codes, literary tradition, as the destruction or transformation of established poetic norms. As a result of the research, it is established that the work of S. Shumitskyi develops ideological and aesthetic features common to the sixtiers poets. The original features of his creative heritage are autoreflexivity, associativeness and musicality. As the nature of each poetic text is different, it causes the following: the very genesis of the text determines the complexity of the interconnections between the various texts, which, in turn, depend on the dominant sense of the additional functions of the auxiliary inclusions imagery. In S. Shumytskyi’s works, latent (not directly written) ideas dominate, therefore, they prompt the recipient to meditate. These very signs enable the creation of innumerable models of manifestation of the author's thinking. S. Shumitskyi’s intertextuality confirms his inclusion in the context of the sixtiers, in particular, references to the work of V. Simonenko are demonstrated. The frequency types of intertextuality are such types of intertextual links as intertextuality itself, paratextuality, metatextuality, hypertextuality, and intermedia. The intertextual links can load any element of the text: from the name to the tropes. The perspectives of the research is consist in the study of other sources of intertextual connections in the work of S. Shumitskyi, the clarification of his aesthetic guidelines and the determination of the optimal context for the evaluation of the auther’s work.


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How to Cite

Kryvenchuk, V. (2019). Modernist aesthetic-philosophical positions of S. Shumytskyi in the context of the sixtiers. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 25(2), 86–95.



Literary history as a structure