Artistic reception of the «city — steppe» dichotomy in the historical novels of P. Zahrebelnyi, R. Ivanchenko and P. Uhliarenko




medieval city, statehood, steppe, Christianity, topography, historical novel


The Subject of the study is “city — steppe” dichotomy in the historical novels of P. Zahrebelnyi, R. Ivanchenko and P. Uhliarenko, which is relevant because it allows us to trace the author’s vision of the functioning of the city in the conditions of the formation and development of Ukrainian medieval statehood. The city is a cultural space in which the character, past of the people, their world view and traditions are accumulated. The concentration of Ukrainian prose writers of the second half of the twentieth century on this topic is due to the need to comprehend the artistic and aesthetic potential of the city, its changes during the formation of its own value priorities. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the artistic embodiment of the conceptual features of the medieval city, which in historical novels of prose writers crystallize when establishing connections with the steppe. The study’s  methodology is based on O. Astafiev’s classification of the steppe category in essays by Ye. Malaniuk:  steppe-territory; steppe-enemy punishment; steppe-landscape. The results of the study connection with determination  the topography of the medieval city in the historical novels of P. Zahrebelnyi, R. Ivanchenko, P. Uhliarenko  by additional semantic values: gates, temples, cave and cells. The focus on understanding the steppe as the embodiment of punishment will be a prerequisite for understanding the medieval city as a kind of refuge and at the same time — a modification of its meaning: the embodiment of insecurity, danger, challenge, the last refuge. The study of the principles for implementing the landscape features of the steppe correlates with the description of the power, grandeur of the medieval city and its significance for the statehood of Kyivan Rus. Based on this, the following principles of a complex image are distinguished: the use of synesthesia sounds for noise, visual, tactile, odor images, the sound image of a bell. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the paradigm of medieval society in the projection on the urban space, as well as expanding the range of literary texts by the beginning of the XXI century.


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Author Biography

Taisa Litvynchuk, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

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How to Cite

Litvynchuk, T. (2019). Artistic reception of the «city — steppe» dichotomy in the historical novels of P. Zahrebelnyi, R. Ivanchenko and P. Uhliarenko. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 25(1), 31–39.



Literary history as a structure