Genre dominant of whimsical prose




whimsical prose, genre dominant, artistic convention (artistic invention), carnivalization, grotesque, parodying


Similarity of parameters of intellectual, parable and whimsical prose demands the definition of their genre dominant – differential marker characteristics that clearly distinguish between these related (but especial) genres. That is why the purpose of the paper is to substantiate the concept of genre dominant of whimsical prose. There is an urgent need to clarify controversial genre definitions of some prose works, which still cause attention of researchers. It is emphasized that whimsical prose is a separate genre, along with a parable, intellectual, folklore-mythological, etc. Therefore, these terms are not interchangeable. So it is needed to remove parallel genre definitions of prose works. The Research Novelty is a proposition to consider secondary artistic convention (artistic invention) and comic strategy as the genre dominant of whimsical prose. It has been observed that the convention may be in content (supernatural elements), in stylistic and in the structure of the text (conceptual, characterological, situational and conventional manner of the narrative). The role of comic strategy in whimsical genre is considered. The text-building factors – carnivalization, grotesque and parodying are observed. It was found out that they expressed the key semantic of whimsical prose, which is consider to be the resistance to the patterns of socialistic realism. According to socio-historic situation, direct cultural discussion – both theoretical and by means of using alternative writing strategies was impossible. As a conclusion, the ambivalent strategy of carnival as a legitimized space for creative invention, the grotesque revival of literary stamps and the subversive potential of the parody has been chosen as the most appropriate way of updating Ukrainian literature and fighting for its artistic value. The proposed criteria give the opportunity to substantiate scientifically the corpus of whimsical prose texts, which makes the practical value of work.


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Author Biography

Olena Voshchenko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University



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How to Cite

Voshchenko, O. (2019). Genre dominant of whimsical prose. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 25(1), 16–22.



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies