Ukrainian amateur theatre at the internment camp of the UNR army in Strzałkowo, Poland, as viewed by theatrical critics in August 1921 — July 1922 (according to the materials of the journal <em>Promin / Sunbeam</em>)




theatre, performance, theatrical play, amateur actor, interned camp, journal “Promin”, Strzałkowo


The aim of the study is the understanding of the theatre role for formation of spiritual and ideological ideals of interned soldiers. This involves analysis of the amateur circle repertoire and critical reception of plays as well as reconstruction of value motivation of Ukrainian military groups. The historical method, source analysis and synthesis have been used for this purpose. The results of the study showed that the theatrical performances were prepared by several artistic and actor groups (repertory companies), and the informal competition took place between them. Such situation formed the tradition of critical appraisal of the theatrical plays and their publication on the pages of the camp “live” newspaper “Promin”. It is worth mentioning that critics did not miss the opportunity to show the negative sides or, contrarily, praise the actors’ training and stagecraft during the performances. Theatrical stage performances of camp drama and art groups had a significant importance in boosting morale of the interned soldiers as well as satisfying their nostalgic feelings for their homes and native land. The majority of theatrical plays were nationally aspired by the context and spirit (all the dramas were prepared for the stage production in Ukrainian), which thus promoted the spiritual consolidation of the interned warriors. Importantly, camp residents were seeking and finding their own creative ways for the representation of their art pursuits, contributing to the treasury of the Ukrainian and global culture. The significance of the Ukrainian theatre in Strzałkowo is based on the notion that thanks to the mastery performance of amateur actors as well as the Ukrainian songs as supporting music for the theatrical plays, Polish society gradually became to acknowledge positively the Ukrainian National Republic and Ukrainians as the integral part of the European political, national and cultural environment. The article novelty is connected with introducing the information about amateur theatre circles of internal soldiers and critical reception of their activities. The practical significance of the research is that its results prove the longevity of the Ukrainian dramatic tradition.


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Author Biography

Ihor Sribniak, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Faculty of History and Philosophy

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of World History


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How to Cite

Sribniak, I. (2020). Ukrainian amateur theatre at the internment camp of the UNR army in Strzałkowo, Poland, as viewed by theatrical critics in August 1921 — July 1922 (according to the materials of the journal <em>Promin / Sunbeam</em>). Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 26(2), 48–60.



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