The formation of the agenda by the periodical editions in 1943 (based on the analysis of the newspapers “Azovskyi Visnyk”, “Bobrynetskyi Holos”, “Buh”, “Vidrodzhennia”)




newspaper, propaganda, consciousness, audience, agenda


The current trends in the development of the Ukrainian and world society indicate the need to develop a unified strategy of national information borders protection. The work of the Soviet and German propaganda schools is the basis for the formation of the concept of information protection at different levels of society: from media policy to the development of information coverage and development the main vector in public policy. Today Ukraine is in a state of hybrid warfare and should not only protect its own information space, so the study of the peculiarities of agenda-setting by Pro-German periodical editions on the territory of Ukraine in 1943, when Ukraine was in a state of war, is relevant today. The subject of the study is the features of the agenda by pro-German printed periodical editions in the territory of Ukraine during 1943 (“Bulletin of Azov”, “Bobrynetsky Voice”, “Bug” and “Renaissance”). The purpose of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of the agenda formation in the 1943 by Pro-German printed periodical editions. The research methods are thematic analysis and content analysis. Results. To form a system of the audience’s necessary reactions to certain facts, events, phenomena, analyzed pro-German publications published in Ukraine in 1943, formulated a clear agenda, where the most important (central) role was of reports about the achievements of German troops, and about the economic and cultural development of Germany. The overall narrative was created on the basis of contrast, which allowed not just to actively show the advantages of Germany, but to emphasize on the shortcomings of the administrative activities of the USSR as much as possible. In addition to criticizing the actions of the Soviet authorities, German propaganda used the technique of approaching information in time and space, explaining to the audience that working in Germany is a way to gain new experience, to support the development of Ukrainian culture – a priority for the German leadership, etc. The agenda catered to negativization of the image of the Jews as an ethnicity.


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Author Biography

Oksana Pochapska, Kamianets-Podilskii Ivan Ohiienko National University

PhD in Social Communications


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How to Cite

Pochapska, O. (2021). The formation of the agenda by the periodical editions in 1943 (based on the analysis of the newspapers “Azovskyi Visnyk”, “Bobrynetskyi Holos”, “Buh”, “Vidrodzhennia”). Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 27(1), 14–21.



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