Genre forms of modern Ukrainian media criticism




media criticism, genres of media criticism, genre transformations, diffusion of genres


The research of the media criticism segment of Ukraine is relevant in the framework of the modern information space and the need to regulate the media. Important for the research are its genre forms, that allow to systematize and diversify critical materials. The subject of the research are media-critical editions “Telecritica”, “Detector Media”, “Media Sapiens”, “Media Lab” and “Mediacritica”. The purpose of the article is to analyze informational, analytical and artistic-journalistic genres of media-critical publications of Ukraine. The system method, methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis are used in the article. For the first time, genre aspects of the leading Ukrainian media critical resources, features of their content with regard to the transformation processes within journalism and criticism are considered. The article deals with the specifics of implementing information genres of media criticism (note, interview) which are presented mainly in classical forms. Emphasis is placed on analytics, the publications of which most often articulate the problems of objectivity and bias of information, public trust in the media, the spread of fakes and commissioned materials. With the help of analytical genres, media criticism brings to the level of discussion of topical issues of mass communication beyond a narrow circle of specialists. The most popular in all Ukrainian media-critical publications genre of the article is analyzed, which most aligns with the main goals of media-criticism, to promote neutralization and correction of negative manifestations in the media, to orient the audience in the information space. The article also considers the analytical genres of review and overview, which testify to the values ​​of media criticism. Separately, we are talking about artistic and journalistic genres (feuilleton, pamphlet), which today are less represented in journalism, at the same time they have become the basis for writing media-critical blogs. Emphasis is placed on the process of shifting genre boundaries, diffusion of genres, including in media criticism. Accordingly, the genre spectrum of media criticism is conditional and involves constant changes. As a result, it is noted that the media industry in Ukraine has a diverse and widely represented by genre forms critical reception. At the same time, media criticism is at the stage of forming a well-established methodology, in contrast to art criticism. Genre forms of media criticism do not go beyond journalism, but have the specifics of writing and directing materials. Emphasis is placed on the fact that a promising area is the study of genre transformations in media criticism.


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Author Biography

Alla Mykolaienko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

PhD in Social Communications


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How to Cite

Mykolaienko, A. (2021). Genre forms of modern Ukrainian media criticism. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 27(1), 32–38.



Media and virtual reality