Creation of author’s lexical and semantic dictionary in the dramaturgical practice of Oleksandr Irvanеts




identity, self-identification, mental values, dramatic writing, destruction of Soviet narratives, totalitarian trauma, subjectivity, author’s vocabulary, semantic metametaphor


The subject of the research is the lexical and semantic features of the carnival-ironic dramatic writing by Oleksandr Irvanets. The object of the research is the dramas “A Little Play about Betrayal for an Actress”, “Electric Train for Easter”, “Recording”, “Live Broadcast” and “Liar from Lithuanian Square”. The purpose of the article is to analyze the writer’s dramas through the prism of keywords, author’s semantic constructions, neologisms and other features of artistic language. Lexical-semantic and stylistic analyzes are an effective method for achieving this goal.

As a result of the research it was found that in his dramas O. Irvanets exposes Soviet myths to aesthetic destruction and formulates a number of artistically camouflaged questions related to the civilizational choice of post-totalitarian Ukraine and addressed to readers / listeners / viewers of his works. Issues of totalitarian traumatic experience of Ukrainians and its postcolonial experience, simulated reality and its aesthetic representations, subjectivity / non-subjectivity of Ukrainians at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries, return of Ukrainians to their own language and mental values become important for the writer in his dramatic work. He does not declare these issues directly, but resolves them at the levels of global conceptual metaphors, symbolic field, authorial word formation, anti-utopian modes, associations and allusions, combination of multilingual and multidisciplinary fragments and remarks, ardent discussions, including internal ones. This whole register of means is designed to encourage Ukrainians, both in the first post-Soviet decade and in subsequent years, to self-awareness, civilizational self-determination, and the search for their own subjective identity.

The novelty of the study lies in the interpretation of texts on the basis of identified lexical and semantic features. The perspective of the research is to consider its results in the context of all the works of O. Irvanets, as well as with the lexical and semantic features of the works of other playwrights-postmodernists.


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Author Biography

Olena Bondareva, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Institute of Philology

Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Ukrainian Literature Comparativistics, and Grinchenko Studies


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Abstract views: 319



How to Cite

Bondareva, O. (2021). Creation of author’s lexical and semantic dictionary in the dramaturgical practice of Oleksandr Irvanеts. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 27(3), 172–177.



Modern systems of linguistic and textual data processing