TV program “Svit navyvorit” as a project in Ukrainian travel-journalism form




travel journalism, travel show, genre syncretism, exclusive information, content, communication


Unlike the last century journalism, the modern one greatly simplifies the communication between the author and his recipient by using the ability to travel and to transmit the information the last user, the recipient, very quickly. Besides technologies, the format chosen by the author of the information message contributes to this. The main objective of the study and the subject of the research is the TV program “Svit navyvorit”. It is a sample of media tourism, which represents distant and little-known cultures and the population of different countries for the Ukrainian recipient in reportage issues. This is popular and relevant for the modern recipient type of media product. This thesis is proved according to the information provided in the study for the number of views by the project in the Internet. The scientific problem is to clarify the format of transmission in today conditions of the widespread phenomenon of genre syncretism. The aim of the article is to define the genre characteristics of “Svit navyvorit”, to find a classification niche for the format.

Therefore, the article pays attention to the analysis of features and characteristics of the project, which is manifested in the examples of different series by the program. This is the novelty of the study. With the help of reflections caused by these features, the article attempts to find out what the “Svit navyvorit” is: a travel show, a report, a review, a road story, etc. The format of the program, which has no analogues in the Ukrainian media space, can be defined as an original travel show, a syncretic phenomenon in the genre aspect. This is confirmed by the following features and peculiarities: reports from the scene, eyewitness comments, author’s remarks and direct impressions, communication, drama, eventfulness, contrast, the acquisition of signs of news discourse, lifestyle journalism. The array of seasons and issues of the program “Svit navyvorit” considered in the article combines the features of informativeness, journalism, analytics, art and entertainment. The following general scientific methods are used in the article: comparative, descriptive, comparative-typological, historical-functional, and systemic; method of analysis, synthesis. The prospect of further research is to develop ways to study the paradigm of the format of Ukrainian travel journalism with mandatory rating control based on the number of views.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Diuzheva, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and PR


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Abstract views: 255



How to Cite

Diuzheva, K. (2021). TV program “Svit navyvorit” as a project in Ukrainian travel-journalism form. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 27(4), 252–258.



Media and virtual reality