Psychology of the artist and creativity in the notes by Lesia Voronyuk and Clarise Lispector




notes, genre, creativity, artist, psychologism, autobiography, narrative


The article analyzes “Notes on the Wrists” by Ukrainian author Lesia Voronyuk and “Notes for Young People: About What is Written and Experienced” by Brazilian Clarise Lispector through the prism of psychoanalysis. The writers represent the artist’s personality in their works and investigate a deeply intimate theme of creativity. The problem is the role of the genre of notes in depicting the spiritual life of the artist, the individual process of formation and expression of thoughts, feelings and reflections. The formal and semantic similarity of the analyzed works is emphasized, which prompted to draw parallels between them, so the main research methods are comparative and generalization. The purpose of the article is to represent the analyzed works as a modification of the genre of notes, the choice of which is due to the need to depict the individual spiritual experience of artistic activity and the inner world of the writer. The scientific novelty of the article is the study of the influence of creative intentions and the artist's consciousness on the genre, the related transformations in the notes.

As a Result of the Study it has been found that “Notes for Youth” and “Notes on the Wrists” are structurally similar: they consist of notes, each of which begins on a new page, has its own name and is characterized by its independence and semantic completeness. The main theme for both texts is creativity. Writers define motivation for artistic activity in different ways. According to C. Lispector, it is the desire for self-expression and self-knowledge in words. Creativity, according to L. Voronyuk, is a way to harmony and balance inherent in nature; the word is a code that programs reality. The authors characterize writing a work as an unpredictable and unrestrained process. The works of both writers show exaltation, inspiration, when the artist broadcasts unconscious movements; moments of origin of an idea, for which it is necessary to find words that can “grab” it and record it on paper. The authors convey the atmosphere of creation, show different ways of “peeling” the thought in the word. For L. Voronyuk, it is a habit to write not only on paper, but also on any surface. For C. Lispektor, it is a portable typewriter, which awakens thoughts and feelings, helps as a partner, is a constant helper in creativity; the muffled rustle of the keys accompanies the author’s loneliness, keeps her secrets. The writers use the language of metaphors to show the diversity of associations and the complexity of the creative process, which is a reflection of an intuitive knowledge of the world, self-communication and communication with the reader through the word.


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Author Biography

Kateryna Chui, Volyn Vocational College of National University of Food Technologies

PhD in Philology


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Abstract views: 210



How to Cite

Chui, K. (2022). Psychology of the artist and creativity in the notes by Lesia Voronyuk and Clarise Lispector. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 28(1), 1–6.



Practices of literary text interpretation