Data visualization in the latest convergent media in Ukraine




convergent media, new media, data visualization, media practice


The subject of the study is data visualization as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the media’s informational impact on readers. In the conditions of global digitalization, there was a general blurring of media information distribution channels, leading to convergent media’s emergence. In Ukraine, there is significant potential for the development of convergent media. Therefore, creating decent and competitive content becomes extremely important for the newest mass media. One of the defining components of quality media content is its comprehensibility, recognizability, and appropriateness of the visual objects used. Successful data visualization makes the content more accessible and understandable for the audience, attracts their attention, and increases the popularity of the materials. Thus, the relevance is determined by the need to define the prospects for the use of infographics in Ukrainian convergent media.

That is why the aim of the study is to determine the characteristics of visual elements used in the latest convergent media in Ukraine and identify the advantages and challenges associated with their use. To achieve this goal, content analysis and comparative methods were used.

The study was based on a sample of eight leading media in Ukraine: Suspilne, Gromadske, Liga, Ukrainska Pravda, Ukrinform, Radio Svoboda, Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, HB, and Babel, which were selected based on the results of a two-stage monitoring of the Institute of Mass Information.

The study’s results indicate the diversity of data visualization approaches in Ukraine’s convergent media. Some media, in particular Suspilne and Hromadske, use photos and videos accompanying the textual information, while others, such as Ukrainska Pravda and Ukrinform, pay more attention to the visual design of materials and use visualization not just as a supplement to the text, but build the visualization as a story. The study also showed a general tendency to use geographic maps to present information, which may be related to the war in the country and the need to visualize the enemy’s actions. The study results can be helpful for media resources and journalists who want to improve the quality of their materials. In addition, the results have scientific value for future studies of trends in data visualization by convergent media.


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How to Cite

Solodovnyk, D. (2023). Data visualization in the latest convergent media in Ukraine. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 29(2), 157–165.



Media and virtual reality