
  • Nadiia Miroshnychenko Національний центр театрального мистецтва імені Леся Курбаса



mythopoeic, modern Ukrainian drama, social play, postmodernism, structure


The article analyzes mythopoetic tendencies of social contemporary Ukrainian drama of the limit of the millennia. The increasing role of performance arts and therefore dramatic texts in the modern world and the lack of literary works that explore theatrical drama, show that this article is actual and the prospects of further scientific research. The appliance of the doctrine of R. Bart about three types of mythologizing (traditional, ideological, artistic) and the search for productive communication between mythological paradigm and structural basis of texts reveal the novelty. The author analyzes the stage plays with social issues and social change diagnosis of these authors: A. Vishnevsky, A. Irvanets, S. Zhadan, A. Krym, O. Mykolaichuk, N. Nezhdana, O. Pogrebinska, O. Rosych, G. Telniuk, S . Schuchenko.

Writers apply ideologically-destructive strategy both to the previous totalitarian system and the modern one, using some traditional myths. However, the author artistic mythology is detected as dominant in these texts. Neorealistic tendencies are combined with expressionistic, mystical and absurd drama. Plays have complex structures of conflicts combining the conflict with higher forces and internal ones. Writers used linear compositions with concise timespace (the unity of the time, the place and the action) and the installation of complicated chronotops. These are typical principles of a "play", a manipulation, a radical reversal of the situation. The plays are full of inherent internal action combined with low external one. Heroes are developed as no-heroes, no-personal, typical, marginalized. The authors use abstract names of the characters, social masks. However, there are complex psychological transformations of the characters. Methods of the game in the game, authorial genre constructions complicated structures. The author of the article reveals a productive relationship between the mythological paradigm and features of structural changes.


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Abstract views: 389



How to Cite

Miroshnychenko, N. (2016). MYTHOPOETICS OF UKRAINIAN SOCIAL CONTEMPORARY DRAMA. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (3(15), 45–56.



Literary history as a structure