
  • Yuliia Shkuratenko КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, Інститут філології, аспірант кафедри історії української літератури, теорії літератури та літературної творчості.



burlesque, doublespeak, slang, obstsenna vocabulary, parody, Desacralisation


The article deals with the transformation of burlesque attitude in Pavlo Glazovyi’s works. The purpose of this article is to analyze characteristic features of Pavlo Glasovyi’s burlesque style. Attention is paid in the study to all literary levels of texts. It is found that his burlesque style was associated with metamorphosis of «kotlyarevschyna» in the twentieth century.

Textual study of humoresques from «Smiholohiya» showed that the author learned burlesque tradition on two levels. On the one hand, Pavlo Glasovyi assimilate burlesque at the level of language elements. The detailed analysis of spoken rough and obscene vocabulary, slang, doublespeak (surzhyk), phraseology with thickened connotation, coarsened nomination has been presented in the article. This paper estimate how the usage of rude and unprintable vocabulary allows author to create a colorful description of the satirical characters, to demonstrate the ideological conflict between them.

On the other hand, Pavlo Glasovyi assimilate burlesque as a part of Ukrainian worldview. This aspect is presented in the form of text parodying prayers, funeral laments, desecration of images of the clergy and themes of death etc.


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Author Biography

Yuliia Shkuratenko, КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, Інститут філології, аспірант кафедри історії української літератури, теорії літератури та літературної творчості.




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How to Cite

Shkuratenko, Y. (2016). THE TRANSFORMATION OF BURLESQUE ATTITUDE IN PAVLO GLASOVYI’S HUMORESQUES. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (4(16), 43–52.



Linguistic analysis of artistic text