
  • Svitlana Bohdanets



food, foodscape, utopia, Baroque, Cockainge, feast, paradise


This article considers foodscapes in Ukrainian Baroque vernacular utopias. These images have direct link to appearance of New Paradise conception, which embodies the cultural vision of biblical Paradise, replacing idea of a garden toward a banquet. In European Medieval literature we have a lot of fables, which depict land of Cockainge – a kind of earthly paradise with the food abundance and toil forbidden.  The main purpose of this article is to reveal resemblances between Cockainge and images of perfect place in the poetry of Ukrainian traveling clerks with food images as a key-link.

It is assumed that despite of the absence of the particular fable depicting sated life in perfect land there are an original food utopia in Ukrainian literature, which exists as a collective image and appears in fragments of several texts. The structure and semantic of foodscapes in this utopia are examined from the anthropological perspective. Such motives as “edible architecture”, “food offering itself”, “rivers of vine” are analyzed. It is also shown that food utopia has much in common with the feast as a core element of the carnival culture. Vision of the banquet table full of dishes and drinks might be considered as a prototype for food utopia images. 


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How to Cite

Bohdanets, S. (2017). FOOD UTOPIA IN UKRAINIAN LOW BAROQUE POETRY. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (2(18), 44–53.



Literary history as a structure