The modeling methodology of the world’s fractal poetical model in the British poetry of the XIX–XXI centuries (linguistic and cognitive aspects)


  • Oksana Moskvychova Херсонський державний університет



the poetic model of the world, conceptual tropes, concept, fractal, the fractal poetic model of the world


The aim of the article is to explore an embodiment of reality in the world’s fractal poetic picture in the British poetry of the XIX–XXI centuries by means of the linguistic and poetic analysis of tropes as the way to actualize cognitive processes of the world picture formation. The cognitive style of the British romantic, modern and post-modern poets is investigated by means of linguistic, poetic, cognitive, mathematic, political and synergy analysis. From the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and cognitive poetics, poetic text is analysed as the result of the poet's cognition and his interpretation of reality through the prism of his physical, social and cultural experience. Cognitive poetics is focused on the metaphorical aspects of thinking, due to which the conceptualization of human reality, based on physical and sensory-motor experiences, is possible, The reconstruction of the world fractal poetical model accentuates on the notion of poetry and poetic texts, on the reflection of reality, on esthetic aspect of poetry and on linguistic and communicative peculiarities of it.

The article is relevant in the aspect of modern polyparadigmatic research trends, because it is a synthesis and systematization of three linguistic paradigms (linguo-poetic, linguistic-cognitive and poetic-cognitive). These paradigms are focused on designing the fractal poetic model of the world as a construct. This construct embodies the deep meaning of poetic texts belonged to different cultural and historical periods. The mathematically-sociological and synergetic modeling are also have been taking into account. The aim and the results of investigation are determined by the specification of the poetical viewpoint embodied in the British poetry of romantic, modern and post-modern periods.


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Author Biography

Oksana Moskvychova, Херсонський державний університет

доцент, кандидат філологічних наук, докторант



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Abstract views: 333



How to Cite

Moskvychova, O. (2018). The modeling methodology of the world’s fractal poetical model in the British poetry of the XIX–XXI centuries (linguistic and cognitive aspects). Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, (4(24), 54–68.



Linguistic analysis of artistic text