Author՚s digression as a representation of author՚s position in Leonid Mosendz՚s short stories


  • Volodymyr Radziievskyi Rivne Classical Gymnasium Prestige



author’s position, author’s digression, lyrical digression, journalistic digression, philosophical digression, historical digression, polemic, Visnyk discourse


The intelligence is devoted to the functioning of author's digression in the texts of short prose by Leonid Mosendz, a bright representative of the “Visnyk” circle of artists. The problem is considered in the context of the general author's position. The purpose of the article is to identify the artistic peculiarities of the above-mentioned out of plot techniques in the novels of the collections “Homo lenis” (1937) and “Repentance” (1939). The thoughts of previous researchers of L. Mosendz’s works (Y. Gordinsky, M. L., I. Nabitovich, O. Grytsay) about the excited problem are given. According to the classification of such literary scholars as I. Bezpechnyi, V. Paharenko, N. Ferentz and others lyrical, journalistic, philosophical and historical authorial indents are singled out for consideration. The naturalness of the introduction of such designs in the narratives “Submissive Person”, “Brother”, “Khazar”, “On the Elder”, “Bird of the High Flight”, “Minerva” is argued. Doubts about the artistic expediency of wide-ranging author’s indentations in the short stories “Roksolana”, “Turn of the cossack Michael Smilez” are expressed. A positive influence on the perception of the content of the constructs, their polemical, paradoxical, and aphoristic saturation was noted. The presence of author’s indentations in both collections of the writer is compared. Bright examples of the indentations are masterful concentrations of human feelings and emotions. An attempt is made to perceive the mentioned problem in the light of the Visnyk discourse, namely, in the context of the novels of Yurii Klen, U. Samchuk, and Y. Lipa. The results of the study open up new perspectives of scientific understanding of author’s indentations as a widespread phenomenon in the works of Ukrainian emigrational literature in general.


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Author Biography

Volodymyr Radziievskyi, Rivne Classical Gymnasium Prestige

teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature


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How to Cite

Radziievskyi, V. (2019). Author՚s digression as a representation of author՚s position in Leonid Mosendz՚s short stories. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 25(1), 11–15.



Theoretical horizons of Literary Studies