Citation of sources in information radio programs




citation/quotation of sources, sound bite, interview, comment, radio, broadcasting, information program, news


The Subject of the Study are the peculiarities concerning citation / quotation of sources in the Ukrainian information environment, based on the examples of news bulletin newscasts at all-Ukrainian radio stations of the talk format. It updates the issue specified, particularly, a saturation of the media space with disinformation, fakes, propaganda, manipulations by data, etc. The neglectful attitude of the editorial offices to the checking of information sources, data accuracy, non-giving of the stage to all the participants in conflict situations, and the absence of expert comments lead to the violation of professional standards in the journalist materials to be on air. The result is a decrease of trust from the audience both to a particular media and to media employees in general. The risks of these consequences can be reduced by the systematic monitoring of the information segment of radio broadcasting and the formation of the monitoring results-based theoretic principles and practical recommendations for improvement, particularly, of the citation / quotation of information sources. Therefore, the aim of the article is to provide general information about the main types of citations in informational radio texts (documentary recordings — synchronies, indirect speech, marker words), some mistakes made by authors when working with them, and to develop recommendations for recording and editing synchronies.

The method of qualitative content analysis was used to study the information radio environment and to specify the peculiarities of source citation / quotation in it. News bulletin newscasts of all-Ukraine’s radio stations of talk formats such as “Ukrainske Radio” (“Pershyi Kanal” and “Promin”), “Hromadske Radio”, “Radio NV” served as the material for this analysis. The content analysis results allowed to establish certain tendencies concerning the citation / quotation influencing on information saturation of news reports, their correspondence to professional standards as well as the dynamics of air. They facilitate the news perception. Moreover, the information about the main ways of citation / quotation (sound bite, indirect speech, words-markers), and their content-sand-structural peculiarities was summarized. Citation / quotations — sound bites are under special attention. By the form, the sound bites can be types of speech, interview, comment, etc., which are characterized by laconism, pungency and compactness. It also analyses the mistakes made by authors while preparing sound bites for air at the stage of information collection, content and structural coordination with the main text of the news report. The practical significance consists of recommendations on the citation / quotation of information sources following the professional standards. The research of the problem based on the example of local talk radio stations can be perspective.


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Author Biography

Oksana Zhuravska, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Institute of Journalism

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and New Media


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Abstract views: 329



How to Cite

Zhuravska, O. (2022). Citation of sources in information radio programs. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 28(1), 28–35.



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