The image of Višegrad in the architectonics of Ivo Andrić’s novel “The Bridge on the Drina”




architectural code, image, symbol, chronicle, novel-fresco, ekphrase


The development of contemporary art and literary studies is marked by greater attention to the study of intermediality, intertextuality, and ekphrasis as their functional component. The interpenetration of different art forms and cultural phenomena, known as artistic synthesis, is gaining popularity and allows the author to better express the image of the era. The verbal description of visual images in literature (architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.) creates a unique style of the author and enriches the work of art. Architectural ekphrasis is the core of I. Andrić’s novel The Bridge on the Drina and the subject of this article. The aim of the study is an intermedial analysis of the image of the city of Višegrad in the architectonics of Ivo Andrić’s novel The Bridge on the Drina. The methods and techniques of philological research used in the study are descriptive, chronotopic, intermedial, and stylistic.

The result of the study. The novel belongs to the genre type ‘novel-fresco’ / mosaic / framing / novel-chronicle with a fresco structure. The image of the city is organically connected in the novel with the central and key image of the bridge over the Drina River. It is proposed to call the text of the novel a ‘Drina text’, since the city develops and is nourished by the bridge. The article shows the connection between the images of the city and the bridge with the image of the world tree and its isomorphs (water, circle, mountain(s), temple, ship, lanterns). These images appear in the text in the description of the destructive consequences of war and demonstrate the negative semantics of the world tree as a symbol of death, destruction and decline. The analysis of the text has shown that Ivo Andrić depicted historical changes over the course of almost four centuries with the images of a city and a bridge that are closely interconnected. The author uses historical themes for philosophical comprehension of the present, the meaning of human existence and the search for a way out of crisis situations. It has been found that Andrić’s architectural text, through the architectural images of the novel, simultaneously demonstrates the multiplicity of time spaces. The analysis of the text demonstrates the medial position and medial significance of the city and the bridge (mediator between the city and the suburbs, between the Rzav and Drina rivers, between the East and the West, between hostile states involved in wars).


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Author Biography

Tetiana Dobroshtan, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

Candidate of sciences in Philology, associate professor


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How to Cite

Dobroshtan, T. (2024). The image of Višegrad in the architectonics of Ivo Andrić’s novel “The Bridge on the Drina”. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 30(3), 177–183.



Practices of literary text interpretation