Military burial ceremony

Ethical nominations of sensitive visual content in the media




media, journalism, photography, ethics, ethical principles, sensitive content, visual content, Russia-Ukraine war, military, burial, military funeral


The relevance of this research is underscored by the importance of studying sensitive visual content in the media and understanding how it is covered in journalism. This article aims to identify and analyze negative trends in the ethical handling of sensitive content, specifically regarding the photographic representation of farewell ceremonies for Ukrainian soldiers. The subject of the research is the ethical aspects of visual content in Ukrainian media. The analysis focuses on the importance of context, the possibility of documenting events through photography and its inherent subjectivity, the emotional weight a photograph carries, its impact on the viewer, the recording of human rights violations, and the ethical issues surrounding the coverage of farewell ceremonies for fallen soldiers. The research employs general scientific methods and techniques, including empirical and systematic analysis as well as analytical, comparative, and descriptive methods.

The results of the study. The ethical principles of journalism have always been relevant. However, with the onset of the war in 2014 and the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, these issues have become even more significant and have gained new meaning. To date, there is no comprehensive research in Ukraine addressing the ethical principles of journalism concerning the publication of visual materials concerning war victims. The ethical standards for publishing images of military funerals of those who died as a result of Russian aggression remain ambiguous. This topic requires serious reflection in today’s media environment, where sensitive content is frequently aired. It is crucial to explore and define the boundary between the necessity of using photographs to substantiate war crime evidence and the ethics of disseminating emotionally charged images in their original form.

It has been noted that the media often do not take into account the potential impact of photos from the funerals of fallen soldiers on their audience. Some viewers may prefer not to see close-up images of soldiers in coffins. The research suggests that retouching such photos (e.g., blurring the face) would be a professional approach, as the depiction of farewell ceremonies can significantly affect the grieving process of the deceased’s relatives and loved ones. Thus, media images of military funerals should be presented to encourage thoughtful consideration rather than incidental shock or distress.


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Author Biography

Olga Peleshok, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

Ph.D. in Journalism, Аssistant at the Journalism Department


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How to Cite

Peleshok, O. (2024). Military burial ceremony: Ethical nominations of sensitive visual content in the media. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 30(4), 311–319.



Media and virtual reality