Thematic groups of the phraseologisms in the Borys Grinchenko's works


  • Olha Shchoka Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка



ideographic classification of phraseology of the Ukrainian language, phraseological group, phrase-semantic field, variant-synonymic group, phrase-semantic range, structural-semantic model


The present article deals with the groups, semantic fields and variant-synonymous groups of the phraseologisms in the works of Borys Grinchenko. Structural-semantic models of phraseologisms in the prose heritage of the writer are created. The article also presents tables of phraseologisms’ideographic classification. On their basis, statistical calculations were made within the framework of the phrase-thematic groups. Borys Grinchenko's prose is a broad field for the study of the ideology of phraseology, but these units in the writer's work are not explored, in what is the novelty of the article. The purpose of the exploration is to study thematic groups of phraseologisms in the works of Borys Grinchenko. In this paper, we used methods of linguistic analysis of the text, modeling, schematic, and statistical. In this work, we relied primarily on the ideographic classification of phraseologisms, undertaken by Victor and Dmytro Uzhсhenko. Scientists offer the allocation of language universals (structural semantic models — SSM), through which they build phrases. Today, this classification is applied only to the study of the vocabulary of Borys Grinchenko's works. The most stable phrases are found in the phrase-thematic group “Person” (95%), namely in the PTF “Person as a rational creature”. In this thematic field is particularly rich in phraseologisms of the PSF “Emotions, feelings, states”. This is primarily due to the fact that Borys Grinchenko had some psychological abilities, skillfully revealing the characters and feelings of his characters. In the PTG “Abstract relations” (3%) the most numerous was the PSF “Quality”, the smallest quantity — “Number”. It can be explained by the poorer extreme potential of the last field. There is no PSF “Opportunity” in this phraseological group, as opposed to the classification of Victor Uzhchenko. PTG “Nature” (2%) is also small, but it managed to allocate three SSMs. In addition, the classification of Victor Uzhchenko was supplemented by the necessary VSG in the article. The analysis of Boris Grinchenko's artistic prose in the ideographic aspect of phraseology proves its richness and diversity in almost all thematic groups.


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Author Biography

Olha Shchoka, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка

студентка IV курсу


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Abstract views: 491



How to Cite

Shchoka, O. (2019). Thematic groups of the phraseologisms in the Borys Grinchenko’s works. Synopsis: Text, Context, Media, 25(1), 53–58.



Linguistic analysis of artistic text